ADLG - Game Report 180

Medieval Spanish (239) vs Medieval Scandinavians (251)

Day two of the competition and I was facing another Medieval Scandinavian army led by Gordon. This time with a very different composition that which I faced against Iain! However, I was once again attacking, but this time in the Plains. I placed the Almogavars on the right in order to try and seize the village astride the road.

The Scandies decided they didn’t like the look of my threats to their left flank and quickly moved forward to seal it off. Meanwhile they opened a wide gap in the centre with their right flank moving even further right.

In response I moved the foot command to its right and wheeled left to conform to the movement of the Almogavars, which were sweeping around the right flank. On my left I decided to stall the enemy’s move to the right with the Light Cavalry while half of the Mercenary Knights moved forward to face off against the enemy knights.

After considerable tactical manoeuvring on both sides the point of the battle is getting every closer. The Scandies have closed the gap and have brought both of their foot commands together in a more coherent line for me to break through. In the centre my Halberdiers have passed through the crossbows to be ready to engage the Knights. The Almogavars are now in close support. The Knights are suffering again from the ravages of crossbow bolts fired against them!

The Scandie Knights have been destroyed, leaving the path free for the Spanish foot and Almogavars to move forward to engage the enemy left flank.

In spite of a number of losses the Spanish foot are advancing well and the Almogavars are poised to contribute to rolling up the enemy line from my right.


Unfortunately, we timed out with me needing just three more cohesion hits for a victory. It ended with a draw with me inflicting 23 of 26 hits and only receiving 12 in return. At this stage in the competition I was standing at 2 losses, 1 draw and 1 win.

Lessons Learnt

  • In this game the tactic of passing the Halberdiers through the crossbows worked very well indeed!
  • The slow advance of the Almogavars was due to poor command and control, perhaps that General if he is on the flank should be better than ordinary?
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