ADLG - Game Report 194

Ostrogoth (95) vs Patrician Roman (88)

For the final game of the day I was facing Mark’s Patrician Romans. Once again I was defending in the plains and decided I needed to have a secure flank by successfully deploying a coastline. The deployment was the same as against Tony’s Armenian’s and fortunately there was another handily placed field for the Bowmen to use as their refuge and to establish Fire Base Alpha.

With the coastline and the width of the Ostrogothic line this was going to be a battle of little subtlety.

Contact! So far the Ostrogothic Cavalry have made inroads into the Roman cavalry and there are now gaps on the left and in the centre. The latter of which the Huns are getting ready to exploit. The infantry are continuing to advance.

On the left the Roman Cavalry have been effectively beaten, which has opened up front for the Ostrogoths to advance into the rear and flank the enemy. The attack against the Roman Foederati has gone well with losses inflicted. On the right Fire Base Alpha has already destroyed the Roman Bowmen and has now started to inflict casualties on the Auxilia.


A win for the Ostrogoths by inflicting 23 and only receiving 10 in return. This gave a day’s result of 2 wins and a loss, to allow me to finish 5th equal out of 26; possibly my best result for a while!

Lessons Learnt

  • A potential validation of how to field 4 bowmen units in a command?
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