ADLG - Game Report 195

Seleucid (42) vs Seleucid (42)

After a bit of discussion with Kevin and a review of other Seleucid orbats from the hive mind provided by the ADLG Wiki of the Madaxeman, I put together a revised orbat for the Seleucid army. This one was based on two approximately equal commands of pikes, elephants and peltasts, and a smaller cavalry command. First offer of battle for this revised orbat came from Robin who put out a Seleucid enemy for me to face – a prophetic choice as the competition at Beachhead would be replete with Greek pike armies!

I was attacking in the plain. I deployed the weak cavalry command on the right with its two Heavy Cavalry, a Light Cavalry and two light infantry. In the centre was the CinC with his three pikes, elephants and two peltasts, and a brace of Heavy and Light Cavalry, along with a Scythed Chariot for its shock value. On the left the composition was similar to the centre but lacked the Light Cavalry and the Scythed Chariot.

The line advanced as best as it could. In the centre the Light Cavalry are trying to protect the chariot from missile fire. However, despite the CinC’s brilliance in the centre he lacked the command points to adequately manoeuvre his command the way his deployment demanded.

The impetuosity of the Scythed Chariot demanded that it charge the enemy light troops which of course won the combat! As the lines contact each other the CinC’s pikes have come off a decidedly second best! However, on the right the Thracians have destroyed their opponent and are now in a position to support the cavalry, if required, to support the cavalry which have flanked the enemy elephant.

The enemy elephant avoids disaster against my Cavalry and sound beats them, even with my Thracians to their rear. At the same time the other enemy elephant has destroyed my Elephant and which is now capable of manoeuvring against the Thracians rear. In the centre one of the CinC’s pikes has been destroyed but the Argyraspids have destroyed their opponent and have now wheeled on to the flank of another pike unit.


A win for Robin’s Seleucids by 22 to 17. On reflection this could have gone either way.

Lessons Learnt

  • The CinC needs to get lucky on his die rolls to be able to command all of these units in the first round.
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