ADLG - Game Report 197

Seleucid (42) vs Seleucid (42)

So here we were back to Beachhead 2025 for 25mm ADLG competition “March of the Funnies”. The Army had to have 2 elephants, 2 camels or 2 war wagons. Hence the design of my Seleucids with the two elephants, all 3D printed and described here in more detail. The trials of the army design in 15mm and 28mm had gone reasonably well, and therefore I was confident that I would be okay in the competition, but perhaps in hindsight that was a little too optimistic.

The army was composed of two approximately equal commands commanded by brilliant generals, with a heavy impact cavalry unit, Pikes, elephants, Thracians and Thureophoroi, with one having a scythed chariot. The final command was a small cavalry command with more heavy impact cavalry and light cavalry.

The first battle was against Charles’s Seleucid, for what would be a Successor civil war. I went for a classic line of pikes with the two brilliant commanders and out on the right the cavalry. I was rewarded with the option of attacking, which I accepted and with an attack in the plains.

On my left I was now faced with two elephants to my one. For his part Charles decided to refuse the centre, and at the same time moved his left command more to the left.

The advantage of refusing he centre becomes apparent as my flanks start to become exposed. Not least because my Cavalry command has been bested by the enemies cavalry. On the left the sole elephant there has been severely damaged.

My left elephant has been destroyed and the enemy are about to seize the advantage by attacking my left wing. On the right the enemy pikes are not giving ground to my elephant which means that the flank of the elephant is now exposed.

The left flank continues to hold its own, but the enemy centre has now engaged us successfully in the centre. The final elephant has been wounded by the enemy pikes. That is in spite of the Thracians on the flanks of the enemy pikes. Also the Thureophoroi have out performed themselves by inflicting damage on the pikes, but the looming threat of the enemy cavalry to their right flank is of concern. My remaining cavalry is seeing some solace by trying to overrun a bow unit.


We timed out the game and I eagerly accepted the result of a losing draw by inflicting 9 losses to receiving 19 in return (2 hits away from breaking!)

Lessons Learnt

  • It looks like the army is a little light on numbers.
  • I lacked concentration of effort, I should have moved right and attacked the enemy left more aggressively.
  • The single scythed chariot did not achieve a lot, but it did look pretty!
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