ADLG - Game Report 198

Seleucid (42) vs Sahelian Empire (209)

I hoped for better things against Mark’s Sahelian Empire and its hosts of camels. Once again I was attacking in the Plain. My deployment was similar to the previous game but with the Cavalry command on the left, with the two commands to the right. However, I decided to refuse the right, at least initially.

We advanced bravely to attack the enemy, I clearly wanted to try and have my horses avoid the camels to avoid then being panicked by these strange beasts. And once again my scythed chariots couldn’t avoid hitting the enemy light infantry.

And of course the scythed chariot died on contact against the lights. On my right the enemy camels brushed aside the Thureophoroi with contemptuous ease, leaving the elephant very exposed. I am trying hard to entice anyone to fall on my pikes, but the Sahelian’s are wise to my intentions and keep holding back to draw me out.

I don’t think one heavy impact cavalry unit against 3 camels on the right is fair odds, do you? But if it buys some time it may be sufficient. In the centre the Pikes continue to search for enemy to fight and on the left have succeeded in pinning some camels.

We have had a modicum success in the centre by destroying a bow unit, but that is about as good as it gets. On the right the elephant has been destroyed along with both of its escorts. While on the left the elephant there has succumbed to the attentions of some light infantry.


A Sahelian Empire victory by 7 to 21.

Lessons Learnt

  • A good opponent knows how to avoid the perils of attacking pikes and thus avoids contact.
  • The weakness of numbers is starting to tell.
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