ADLG - Game Report 199

Seleucid (42) vs Communal Italian (189)

The final game of day one was against Don’s Communal Italians (or as he describes them his Comical Italians) equipped with bladed war wagons. For the third time I was attacking in the plains. I decided a slightly different deployment was required. The cavalry were out on the left again, but this time both infantry commands had the elephants deployed to their right.

We advanced in a relatively compact fashion with no exposed flanks. I had decided on the suitable targets for the elephants, well at least what I wanted to target (the enemy always get a vote!) In both cases I was trying to avoid the perils of hitting the war wagons, and instead hit a more acceptable infantry target, with no available cavalry around!

We move into contact and the elephants both, unusually, hit their assigned targets. The initial results of the combats are not unfavourable at all.

However, the next round of combats was far less favourable, with me failing to win any and losing very badly on several occasions. Don, had the good grace to apologise for his execrable ability to roll nothing but fives and sixes while I was barely able to achieve anything higher than a four!

With a small measure of good fortune I manage to achieve a modicum of respectability by destroying enemy units on the right, which may allow the elephant to prevail against the flank of the war wagon. However, the right flank is looking exposed with Italian heavy infantry ready to roll up the pike’s flanks.


An Italian win by 13 to 21.

Lessons Learnt

  • If the competition has war wagons then it is perhaps advisable to at least read the rules on war wagons.
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    ADLG - Game Report 199

    Seleucid (42) vs Communal Italian (189) The final game of day one was against Don’s Communal Italians (or as he describes them his Comical ...