Seleucid (42) vs Alexander the Great (40)
Day two and it was a return to the Greek successor and civil wars with a battle to the death against Phil’s Alexandrians. I was attacking in the plain, and immediately it became obvious that the Alexandrian’s had a flank march, but on which flank would it arrive. My left flank was open, but at least with my deployment being very much right side there would be a long time before any enemy right flank would be any threat. My right was well protected by my Cavalry command.
And so we advanced with the cavalry on the right to protect the flank, and I left a stay behind party of Thureophoroi and a heavy cavalry unit to provide a road bump if the enemy came arrived on my left.
The Alexandrians deployed defensively sufficient for it to be a pike on pike battle if we could get close enough before the flank march arrived.
We managed to make partial contact with the enemy line as one of the largest flank marches I have seen arrive. Could I inflict enough damage in the centre and left before the enemy on the right prevailed? Initial omens from the combats thus far were not encouraging.
The Alexandrian pikes were more effective than those of the Seleucids, and we have already lost two units. Meanwhile the enemy flank march is now well placed to commit itself to battle.
We managed to secure a draw but I am not sure how by inflicting 9 hits to receiving 19, and once again 2 away from defeat. At this stage I was in a race to the bottom of the competition league table!
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