ADLG - Game Report 5

Early Imperial Roman (84) vs Graeco-Bactrian (46) (Rematch)

For the rematch with Paul's Graeco-Bactrian's I decided to mix things up and add two light ballista's. I also decided to maintain a reserve of 3 elite cohorts. As you can see the terrain was interesting, indicating we were fighting on the plains beneath the foothills! 
The Bactrian light cavalry are trying to move around my right flank.
My left flank was protected by two auxilia and two cohorts screened by slingers.
The light cavalry battle ended in a draw with each of us losing a unit. In the centre the Pikes are forming up on the hill.
The cohorts in the centre are moving to entice the pikes onto the plain.
The Romans blink first with the pressure on the left mounting they decide to rush the hill.

The Roman cavalry has been overwhelmed, despite the valiant efforts of the moorish light cavalry who defeated the enemy to their front despite being hit in the rear!


The reserves have failed to engage before the Roman's suffer an inevitable defeat by losing both their right and left wings!

Lessons Learnt

  • Artillery can be effective, as it was in slowing the Cataphracts, but it needs to be positioned better.
  • Equally mixing the bows and the artillery along the line isn't a good tactic
  • If the enemy want to stay on the hill then let them, instead destroy their flank forces instead.

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ADLG - Game Report 196

Seleucid (42) vs Classical Indians (79) For the final pre-Beachhead warm-up and test game I fought Kevin’s Indians. An old foe that we were...