ADLG - Game Report 18

North African Arab(132) vs Rus(165)

In preparation for the Autumn Invitational at the Central London War Game club I decided to seek an opponent for my Arab army on the Thursday before. Fortunately Stan came forward and offered to allow me to fight his Rus army. This would certainly be a new challenge for me.

I decided to field something slightly different, so I chose the North African Arabs, as well as a slightly different troop mix. .After all, I had painted lots of figures. Once Stan and placed his river on the table, which by the role was difficult terrain, I naturally decided to load up my cavalry on the left flank. I was also hoping to use my remaining lighter troops to cross the river and threaten his camp. we will see how that's announced at the end.

I committed the left flanks light cavalry as a diversion to draw off troops. This would give my cavalry advantage, also I hoped.

I committed the left flank light cavalry as a diversion to draw off troops. This would give my cavalry the advantage, I hoped.

My left flank light cavalry are holding their own. The cavalry are engaged on the left and with good grace they should overwhelm the enemy. Meanwhile on the right, my light cavalry have crossed the river and are advancing on the camp.

Battle is now joined in the centre and the right. And on the right it isn't looking good. My light cavalry have reached the camp. Only for me to suddenly realise that light troops can't attack a fortified camp! On the left I would rather draw a veil over how badly my cavalry had performed.


A defeat for the North African Arabs

Lessons Learnt

  • Light troops cannot attack fortified camps
  • Stan’s use of support for he's mainline was very effective.
  • My right wing needed some heavier troops then I had given them
  • It is always valuable to find new opponents to learn new lessons

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ADLG - Game Report 207

Ptolemaic (43) vs Warring States (80) One of the most important aspects of the day was that Tony was able to join us, and it was a pleasure...