ADLG - Game Report 21

Andalusian Arabs(133) vs  Post Roman British(146)

Onto my final opponent for the day, Richard Stone. I was up against the king of the Britons, Arthur himself.

I adopted a similar formation to my first battle; heavier cavalry to the left, lighter cavalry to the right and my heavy infantry in the centre. Once again, my command and control was good, and I closed the distance rapidly to engage is line of battle.

I had some success on the left. My light cavalry provided a sufficient distraction for my heavier cavalry to overwhelm the British. We managed to turn Richards right flank and tried to gain our first victory.

However, it was not to be. The left of my line of battle, took significant casualties. Even though I broke through at one portion of the line. On the right it's fairly equal, although one Bowman unit has been destroyed, it did sterling work before its sad demise.


Despite the initial success it was a sad loss for the Arabs and my third for the day. 

On the plus side I did score another 17 ones which put me at the grand total of 56 and I won the prize for the most ones during the day. So point of fact, I didn't come away empty handed!

Lessons Learnt

  • I don't think I learnt many new lessons, as it was a fairly even battle.

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ADLG - Game Report 207

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