ADLG - Game Report 22

Republican Roman (53) vs Later Macedonians(45)

Returning to Bournemouth Paul invited me to a game to try out my newly won skills. He decided to field his later Macedonians, while I opted to field my Romans as Republicans. My army had 2 Corps all Hastates and Velites, and a smaller cavalry command.

On the left advance started well, whereas in the centre there was a bit of confusion as half the line failed to advance.

Fortunately, they caught up very quickly. But not before some Macedonians stopped my cavalry dead in their tracks.

I moved some infantry in to support the cavalry, who managed to destroy one of the Greek cavalry units. I threw the moors out on my flank while I released some heavy cavalry to support them. 

The Macedonian pike blocks of contact in my line, and have broken through. Where they haven't broken through they have created significant disorder.

On the right time making significant progress. Three units of Greek heavy cavalry have now been destroyed, along with a unit of heavy spears. with another unit of heavy Spearmen about to be destroyed. Despite the success on the flanks the crumbling of my centre was the death knell for my army.


A defeat for the Republicans 22 to 19, but a great game!

Lessons Learnt

  • Another game where a reserve may have been useful
  • I think I could have employed the Light Infantry better, especially if I'd given them some javelins

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ADLG - Game Report 196

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