ADLG - Game Report 38

Seleucid (42) vs Graeco-Bactrian(46)

For my second outing on the post-Christmas ADLG fest was against Paul's Graeco-Bactrians against my new Successor Army. The orbat of Paul's army was what he had chosen for the next Southern ADLG League game in Oxford. I chose Seleucid for my orbat for this battle as this is what the figures used to fight as under WRG 6th Edition when they were Dave's.

A question you may well ask is why weren't my Pikes on the left flank. That is a very good question and one where I think I out thought myself again. Already the General is starting to redeploy the left wing to the centre leaving the lights and scythed chariot to try and impose some delay!

The redeployment is in full swing, but alas not as quick as one would like!

Although the deployment was not good, the outcome was closer than I expected. The left wing cavalry that redeployed to the centre and right of the Pikes was very successful in sweeping over the hill in the centre. At the same time the Pikes managed to destroy the elephants. My right however, is looking very fragile.


A narrow victory for Paul, with me taking 18 cohesion points of him.

I didn't manage to get in a third game as I had to bail-out early as our boiler was on the fritz and I needed to attend to it

Lessons Learnt

  • Stop out thinking myself with my deployment.
  • If one is going to redeploy then do it early!

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ADLG - Game Report 207

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