ADLG - Game Report 39

Graeco-Bactrian(46) vs Indian(79)

As suggested in a previous post myself and Paul headed out on a very chilly Saturday in January to a Southern League event in Oxford organised by Jesse. I have to say that the venue was very good and easy to find, a shame about the weather! 

The theme for the event was armies of 100BC, and both Paul and I chose Graeco-Bactrian. My orbat is as follows. (Please excuse the list number typo!)

My first outing of the day was against Steve and his Indian Army. 

I think the cold must have got to me as I only remembered to take the one picture. The other reason was that I was well and truly riddled by Indian arrows before I could even get into contact. 

I had to advance across the battlefield to engage him taking fire all the way into contact and then trying to fight off five elephants.


A severe loss where I only took 2 cohesion points of Steve before my Army broke.

Lessons Learnt

  • Trying to engage Elephants with cataphracts was not sensible
  • I need to think a little more about how to get into contact against a heavily bow armed enemy.


  1. Colin, you are getting a in a lot of great ancients gaming. Good for you!

  2. A tip
    Dismount the cataphracts and anything else that is crap against elephants. Works wonders. Sean


ADLG - Game Report 181

Medieval Spanish (239) vs Order of St John (263) For the final battle of the competition I was facing Drakoulis’s noble Order of St John. A...