ADLG - Game Report 42

Flemish (243) vs Kingdom of Sicily (188)

In preparation for Beachhead’s ADLG competition Paul offered me his Sicilian Normans as an opponent for my Flemish army.

My army consisted of two relatively equal Pike heavy commands, and the army commander commanding the cavalry command. In this battle I decided to refuse my left flank where my cavalry were located. However, it was one of those battles where the terrain in the centre may not have been as conducive as one would like for heavy infantry!

With the problems created by the terrain in the centre I decided to avoid committing the heavy troops and to stand on the defensive as much as I could. Especially considering that Paul had a lot of Almughavars, who more than able of exploiting the difficult terrain.

On the left flank the CNC with the Knights have come into contact and are holding their own. In the centre we are standing off from the medium infantry in the plantation and encouraging them to come onto us. On the right I have, as we will see later, overextended my right and I am expecting much too much from my bowmen.

Despite some success with the Knights my left flank is definitely looking ropey. meanwhile in the centre the enemy have come out of the plantation and are being thrown back by the Pikes. As you can see on the right my longbows look in serious trouble, and my Pike's would be in even more trouble if they entered the difficult going. As you can see the camp has been overrun.

Finally, the Knights have all been destroyed, except for one gallant unit fighting on front and rear. In the centre we have no more opponents. And on the right, as predicted, the Longbow units have ceased to exist.


A very closely fought battle, but a win for Paul in the end. The loss of my camp helped his overall point score.

Lessons Learnt

  • I need to find a way to incorporate the organ guns into the line of battle.
  • The overall composition of the army was sound.
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