ADLG - Game Report 100

German-Tencteri (91) vs German (91)

A proper historical battle for the final battle against Jim’s Germans. Interestingly our armies were almost identical with identical battle plans, with our cavalry each trying to outflank the other side along the shoreline, and our allies on the outside flank. Take not of the hill, a lesson I was to learn, as I deployed it and then moved it to that position – note Jim is attacking.

All very predictable, albeit that my command dice for centre and right command were the usually poor dice, and besides with his attack he was able to close me down relatively quickly by multiple moves from his command dice!

The result of this was that he was able to seize the hill and secure height advantage. My only hope would be that my cavalry could win quickly enough to move around his flank and rear. Oh, and at the same time that my own line would hold long enough for this to be of value.

Battle is joined. My cavalry is not covering themselves with glory on first contact, and I lacked the command points to stop me charging up the slope, with the inevitable consequences. Meanwhile in the centre I lost all the combats, except for my included General.

While my infantry line is now fragmented, and holier than the holy ghost, my cavalry have fought back well to destroy all but one of the enemy cavalry units, and as predicted probably much too late to be of value.

My Allies have almost been destroyed, and I have managed to get the cavalry onto the flank, but all much too late to be of value.


A win for Jim by 29 to 25, a very close and enjoyable game!

Lessons Learnt

  • Think very carefully before repositioning terrain, think who is going to move first and possibly get to the terrain first.

    ADLG - Game Report 196

    Seleucid (42) vs Classical Indians (79) For the final pre-Beachhead warm-up and test game I fought Kevin’s Indians. An old foe that we were...