ADLG - Game Report 105

Seleucid (42) vs Later Macedonian (45)

One of he reasons I wanted to field a Successor army is that I have enough for 2 armies, and it is about time I learnt how to build one and fight it. As you will see this was not the battle against Paul to do either! As you can see, I am attacking and it all looks very comfortable at this stage and the battlefield seems to be manoeuvring counter clockwise.

After a number of turns the battlefield has swung around to parallel the short table age. Given the move of Paul’s cavalry to his right I have moved mine over to counter then and to support the elephants.

The battle hasn’t yet fallen apart on me at this stage. Albeit that I have moved a little closer to the plantation with my pikes than perhaps is reasonable to do so.

And now the casualties start to cause me some pain, and perhaps I was a little ambitious to attack into the plantation, but the omens are not all bad at this stage.

And this is when it went form bad to worse. From my right to left. I lose 2 light cavalry to light bows, and then the enemy Thracians in the plantation destroy a pike block and some lights! In the centre the pike-on-pike combat has been soundly won by Paul, and more to the point I killed my included general! Finally the observant of you will note that I am one less elephant, which was destroyed by the cavalry it hit in the rear!

Finally, the pikes confronting the Thracians have been destroyed. In the centre I am now light another pike unit, although on the left my Cavalry have partially successful.


A resounding victory to Paul in which I inflicted a solitary one cohesion point on him, to his 26 on me. This game will go down in the annals of the local ADLG community as a calamity of the first magnitude!

Lessons Learnt

  • Pikes in rough terrain, not a good idea.
  • Once the light cavalry start to take casualties withdraw them out of range; if, of course, one has he command points to do so.
  • Army re-design called for.
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