ADLG - Game Report 98

German-Tencteri (91) vs Patrician Roman (88)

After a stunning victory against Paul’s Patrician’s I felt confident that we would do well against Richard’s army. First lesson learnt early is that no two people pick the same army from the list! As for terrain it was rather congested in the middle of the table, and I dithered on where to place my Allied command. In the end I decided the right flank – bad decision!

The first impact of this bad decision was that it left my single large command against two third’s of Richard’s army. My allied command of impetuous medium infantry was faced off against his impetuous allied heavy cavalry. With my third command in the centre dithering on whether to go left or right.

Oh and I didn’t say that my allied command had its backs to the wall with an impassable terrain to their rear. As would be expected the Patrician allies came storming through with the bit between their teeth. At this stage I decided to split my third command and commit half to supporting the Allies.

One we were committed to battle on the left the casualties started to mount, with my Cavalry not exactly holding their own!

On the right the fight immediately became very confused and what fighter pilots might call a fur ball, with impetuous troops from both sides hampered by their command dice trying to engage the flanks of exposed enemy units.

Once the infantry hit the legionaries we started to take further cohesion hits. Despite my initial gloom the German cavalry were trying to fight back. On the right the furball continues!

My left wing lacked the strength or supports to survive, while the addition of my centre command to the right had little or no impact!


A loss to Richard’s Patricians by 33 to 13

Lessons Learnt

  • Don’t leave Medium troops with inadequate ground to defend, and at least don’t leave their backs against impassable terrain.
  • If you commit a command in reserve go for broke not half-and-half.
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