ADLG - Game Report 143

Andalusian Arab (133) vs Tribal Mongols(178)

Once again, the Usual Suspects gathered at Entoyment for a day ADLG gaming. The theme for this day’s entertainment was the Dark Ages, so out came the Andalusisans again. First up they were confronted with Kevin’s Tribal Mongols. Always a handful to fight, but at least I might be able to have some measure of mobility of my own.

So, the Mongols received some favourable terrain, and the number of commands deployed left me to deduce that there was a flank march somewhere! So I decided to concentrate my Cavalry on the left and try to outnumber the Mongols before their flank march arrived. Clearly there would be no use for my Javelins and lights so I left them to guard the hill. On the right more lights of gone forward to reveal the ambushes.

The line advances to engage the Mongol cavalry, with the infantry sweeping around in a daring right wing wheeling to the left.

The Mongol bow fire has already had an impact, as my cavalry starts to lose cohesion. The Infantry close up in support of the cavalry.

And then of course we come to contact, and the Andalusian Cavalry fail to inflict any casualties on the Mongols, who in turn rapidly reduce the number of opponents!

At the end there are only 3 Andalusian Cavalry left standing, if that is what one can call it. They will have to rapidly reorganise before they can on the Infantry’s flank and rear.

In a bold move the Mongol reserves arrive on the least suspecting flank and overrun my camp! The Arab Infantry have reorientated to take on the Mongols, but it is all much too late.


A win for the Mongols who only lost 8 units in total.

Lessons Learnt

  • As with the Manstein Plan in WW2, don’t assume that the bad terrain won’t be the flank the enemy will arrive on.
  • Perhaps the plan was a little too aggressive?
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