ADLG - Game Report 164

Ottoman Empire (267) vs Order of St John (263)

The final game of the day I decided to unleash the Ottoman Empire against Paul’s Knights of St John. Fortunately, as the attacker I was able to start my move by redeploying my Janissaries and their supports from the centre to the left. I detached a small cavalry command to delay the enemy as best as they could. While the main cavalry command went to do its stuff up the left wing.

We managed to secure the infantry line against the gully. Meanwhile out on the right the Light Cavalry have been left behind to buy us more time, while the commander withdraws his two Sipahi. On the left the cavalry are seeking to envelope the small infantry command before the Knights of St John can engage.

The left wing cavalry have managed to destroy most of the enemy infantry and are now pursuing into the rear of the enemy position. The Knights are finding it very difficult to advance across the diagonal of the battlefield.

The enemy infantry has been reduced to two bowmen, but the casualties on the Ottoman Cavalry could limit their ability to finally destroy the infantry. The slow advance of the Knights continues, and it has yet to come into Bow range of the Janissaries.

The remaining enemy bowmen gave been surrounded by the Ottoman cavalry. The Knights are in Bow range at last and are suffering for it. They are also threatened on their left by the remaining cavalry from the right flank that has moved to support the Janissaries.

The Knights of St John crash against the Janissaries, but the infantry fail to break. With the support of the Sipahi in the rear of the knights they have already destroyed two knights.


A win for the Ottomans by inflicting 22 hits to only receiving 5 in return.

Lessons Learnt

  • It is probably only best to conduct such a radical reorientation of ones battle line when one is attacking!
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