ADLG - Game Report 166

Low Countries (243) vs Hundred Years War English (236)

Another Saturday, another day’s gaming at Entoyment. In lieu of the cancelled ADLG doubles we decided to meet and play a couple of games of ADLG before I introduced Bataille Empire to Paul and Harry.

In order to help us before Warfare we decided to try out the armies we planned to take. For me it was going to be my Flemish army up-pointed to 220pts. Which gave me the opportunity to have three very balanced commands each based on four heavy spearmen. I selected the coastline and placed my flank firmly against it with the army in line of battle.

I decided to play footsie with the command on the right and it went back and forward behind the field before it came out to play! Elsewhere we opted to move forward and engage the English Knights.

After suffering significant casualties to fire I decided to withdraw my English Longbows behind the spears. By this stage we had effectively refused our right flank, and were leading with our left.

The English refused to come into contact and were content with waiting until the rest of the Flemish line had advanced in support.

Although the left of the line is suffering, the centre and right have broken through and are preparing to roll up the English thin red line.

Now the left of the English line has been broken the key question for the Flemish is, would their left hold long enough for them to win the battle.

the English have broken through the Flemish left, but is all much too late for them. The English left has been destroyed and the Flemish are in command of the battlefield.


A win for the Flemish by inflicting 23 to only receiving 19 in return.

Lessons Learnt

  • Heavy Spearmen can hold their own in line of battle; even against Knights!
  • The mobility of the Knight with the included commander works well as a reserve.
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