The Invasion of Hungary Sep 1944
After a surfeit of ADLG Paul and I decided to continue the momentum of learning the new Bolt Action V3 rules by having a game at Entoyment. It would also help us see how much we had learnt from the experience of the recent Bolt Action V3 event at which we had both played. We threw (not literally) some terrain on the table and started to roll the dice for the scenario and battle. We mutually decided that we wouldn’t play the Fog-Of-war option. In the event it was a simple meeting engagement deployed along the long table edge.
At the beginning of Sep the General Malinovsky’s 2nd Ukrainian Front’s supporting attacks in the southern Carpathian mountains to the 3rd Ukrainian Front’s offensive against Belgrade had failed to break through in to Hungary. Subsequently Stavka directed that Malinkovsy use his 46th Army to launch an attach from the Arad salient to encircle Debrecen.
As a prelude to this operation mobile columns were created to drive forward to seek intelligence through aggressive action seeking for weak points in the enemy defences. The Hungarians were skilled in preventing deep penetrations of their lines preventing the deep attack methods that had been successful previously against the Axis forces. The 476th Rifle Regiment of the 320th Rifle Division were given the honour of leading the mobile column from the 37th Rifle Corps.
The Commander of the 476th Rifle Regiment deployed a strong combat reconnaissance patrol to lead the advance guard and to find and fix the enemy to allow him to manoeuvre the Advance Guard to bypass any opposition that could then be dealt with by follow on forces from the rest of the Division.
Enemy Forces
Intelligence was limited. It was known that the Hungarian army had regrouped and reconstituted its forces after the debacle they had suffered after Operation Saturn in 1943. Additionally there motivation was high as they were now defending their own territory. Aerial reconnaissance had indicated that there was enemy armour on the line of advance but its strength and type was unknown.
Friendly Forces
Junior Lieutenant Feodor Asimov was given command of the combat recon patrol. He had under his command his own platoon of 3 rifle squads, and an additional SMG squad along with an anti tank rifle team and a sniper. He was accompanied by a Mortar section of two 82mm tubes, a Forward observer. Operating on his line of advance and in support was a recon patrol of a T70 and BA-10 from the 30th Cavalry Division.
The 476th Rifle Regiment’s Combat Patrol under Lt Azimov is to drive forward and engage and fix the enemy in place to allow the Regiment to manoeuvre and to penetrate the enemy’s first line of defences.
Post Mission Report
Without the benefit of being able to infiltrate the enemy’s position Lt Azimov deployed a wide formation keeping his three rifle sections in line abreast . The mortar section deployed in cover ready to provide supporting fire. The FOO managed to find a good location on the left flank to be able to provide supporting fire when he detected a suitable target.

Azimov decided to move around the left flank. The right of his three sections took fire and casualties but pressed on in support. The other two sections regrouped around the hill on the left to provide a base of fire against the enemy advancing through the woods to their front.

The enemy brough direct fire against the mortars and reduced the firepower available, but not before they were able to range in on their targets. The sniper moved into overwatch to the right of the mortars.

The timely arrival of the armoured recon managed to provide some essential fire support. Despite continuing to receive fire the mortar section continued to provide good fire support.

A counterattack by enemy armour manoeuvring around our right flank was countered by some excellent gunnery from Junior Sergeant Afanseeva commanding the BA-10 armoured car.

Junior Sergeant Afanseeva continued his advance using his machine guns to suppress the enemy infantry.

The enemy had moved forward to occupy the village, in doing so they brought severe fire down on the right-hand rifle section. However, the enemy were spotted by the FOO who brought in a fire strike from the Divisional artillery regiment that destroyed the building and the occupants, along with supporting elements. The reserve SMG section was rushed forward to try and secure the ruins in the village.

A further counterattack by enemy armour this time against the left flank left the left section severely depleted. Despite the success they had had driving the enemy out of the wood to their front.

Brave and potentially foolish actions by the enemy rocket team brought the T70 under fire and destroyed it.

Despite the initial success of the Soviet advance, and the effectiveness of the artillery in support, the Hungarians managed to recover much of their losses and forced a draw!
Honours and Awards
Junior Sergeant Afanseeva was awarded The Medal for Courage for his skilled gunnery and aggressive actions.
Artillery Lieutenant Oleg Frederovich was commended by the Divisional Commander Col. Yosif Zakarovich Burik for his skilful artillery direction and for saving the combat patrol from destruction.