ADLG - Game Report 39

Graeco-Bactrian(46) vs Indian(79)

As suggested in a previous post myself and Paul headed out on a very chilly Saturday in January to a Southern League event in Oxford organised by Jesse. I have to say that the venue was very good and easy to find, a shame about the weather! 

The theme for the event was armies of 100BC, and both Paul and I chose Graeco-Bactrian. My orbat is as follows. (Please excuse the list number typo!)

My first outing of the day was against Steve and his Indian Army. 

I think the cold must have got to me as I only remembered to take the one picture. The other reason was that I was well and truly riddled by Indian arrows before I could even get into contact. 

I had to advance across the battlefield to engage him taking fire all the way into contact and then trying to fight off five elephants.


A severe loss where I only took 2 cohesion points of Steve before my Army broke.

Lessons Learnt

  • Trying to engage Elephants with cataphracts was not sensible
  • I need to think a little more about how to get into contact against a heavily bow armed enemy.

ADLG - Game Report 38

Seleucid (42) vs Graeco-Bactrian(46)

For my second outing on the post-Christmas ADLG fest was against Paul's Graeco-Bactrians against my new Successor Army. The orbat of Paul's army was what he had chosen for the next Southern ADLG League game in Oxford. I chose Seleucid for my orbat for this battle as this is what the figures used to fight as under WRG 6th Edition when they were Dave's.

A question you may well ask is why weren't my Pikes on the left flank. That is a very good question and one where I think I out thought myself again. Already the General is starting to redeploy the left wing to the centre leaving the lights and scythed chariot to try and impose some delay!

The redeployment is in full swing, but alas not as quick as one would like!

Although the deployment was not good, the outcome was closer than I expected. The left wing cavalry that redeployed to the centre and right of the Pikes was very successful in sweeping over the hill in the centre. At the same time the Pikes managed to destroy the elephants. My right however, is looking very fragile.


A narrow victory for Paul, with me taking 18 cohesion points of him.

I didn't manage to get in a third game as I had to bail-out early as our boiler was on the fritz and I needed to attend to it

Lessons Learnt

  • Stop out thinking myself with my deployment.
  • If one is going to redeploy then do it early!

ADLG - Game Report 37

Andalusian Arab (133) - Steppe Mongol (271)

After Christmas 2021 a number of us gathered at Entoyment for a day of round robin ADLG. My first opponent was Hobz and his Mongols. Hordes of light cavalry and many of them elite!

You might think I deployed a little too far forward. However this is after the first game turn in which Hobz as the defender permitted me as the attacker to close the distance.

As is normal practice the Mongols tried gamely to get around my flank. Some judiciously orientated charges started to cause the Mongols to evade and eventually evade off the table in some cases. 

Some Mongols are trying their best to overcome my Arab light cavalry on the right flank. Meanwhile the the centre and left of my army marches forward trying to force as many of the Mongols to evade as I can. My major challenge was using my command and control sufficiently to try and keep my line in contact and deciding when and when not to charge. 

The Mongols were trying to withdraw from the centre and their right to reinforce their left, but time is running out for them as the Arabs close in. Well they would if I had the command and control to do so!


A winning draw for the Andalusian Arabs, mostly from causing the enemy to evade off the table.

Lessons Learnt

  • Trying to walk of light cavalry off the table is not as easy or quick as one would like.
  • Remembering to wheel and charge to drive the gaps open as the enemy evade is a very useful tactic. 

ADLG - Game Report 36

Feudal French(182) vs Teutonic Knights (220)

The final franking on our Knights passports was from the Baltic states where we fought Paul's Teutonic Knights. On paper, at least, a more traditional match up.

Okay let's keep the plan simple. Knights against knights and try to see if the Infantry can keep up!

Contact Imminent! ps Note the heavy cavalry at each end of the line of knights.

The knights in the centre let the side down and were blown away by the opposition. However the heavy cavalry and knights on the left have destroyed their opposition.

The rapidly disappearing line of French knights is now a problem, but the heavy cavalry have broken through. Do they go for the camp or support the knights?

Wrong decision they support the knights and although we destroy some more Teutonic knights our cumulative losses tip the balance in Paul's favour. 


A Teutonic victory 21 to 17.

Lessons Learnt

  • A close call whether to go for the camp or to support the knights, perhaps on balance I should have gone for the camp.
  • I decided to not charge the pikes and heavy infantry spearmen against the knights, and I think that was the right answer.

ADLG - Game Report 35

Feudal French(182) vs Tuareg (210)

My Knights packed their passports and headed for the desert to fight Keith's Tuareg Army.

The start of this day's battle at Ascot will be remembered for the biting cold as the heating had not been put on in our room!

I knew I couldn't avoid attacking the camels with my knights and hence avoid the panic. However, I could try and limit the pain by trying to get the infantry into contact and also try to inflict some disorder on them with fire.

Unfortunately the infantry are having command and control and movement issues and are starting to be outpaced by the knights.

As expected the cohesion in the knights is starting to grow as they come into contact with the camels.

The knights and camels were exchanging like for like casualties, and now the infantry are in contact with Tuareg swordsmen and they are not faring as well as I would have liked - losing a Flemish pike block.


A very close game with me losing 21 to 24. Once again close but no cigar!

Lessons Learnt

  • Knights can beat camels.
  • Take a sweater or coat to tournaments in the winter (a lesson I keep forgetting)

ADLG - Game Report 34

Feudal French(182) vs Song Chinese (225)

My third game was in fact a bye. However, Steve kindly stepped in to ensure that I had a game. This time it was a further stamp on my Feudal French Army's passport as they fought the Chinese. What next Aztecs?

I decided to try and seal the right flank with my infantry force, and use the knights to sweep around the flank.

The advance started reasonable. I felt the need for the central knights to conduct a shallow flanking manoeuvre to protect the flank of the infantry. In the process I forgot that Steve's central command was an unreliable general who was not yet committed. With me coming within 4UD of him, activated him. 

The lines get closer to engagement. And I am already taking casualties from fire.

Contact! And as usual enemy fire is seriously more effective than my own fire! I am trying to screen off the people in the fields.

My cavalry broke through on the flank and the infantry were holding their own. However, the cumulative losses from fire and the inability to rally them off caused my loss. As well of course as rather lame and impetuous attempt to roll over the people in the fields with knights!


An 18 to 22 loss. Much closer than the previous games, and in fact Steve was getting quite concerned, but I couldn't quite get over the line at the end.

Lessons Learnt

  • The cumulative effect of casualties from fire without rallying can punish an army.
  • A little extravagant to need to use impetuous knights to act as a screen.

ADLG - Game Report 33

Feudal French(182) vs Samurai (221)

On to Game 2 against Adrian's Samurai. To be candid I had mental scars from the 1980s of fighting Samurai under WRG 6th Edn, so my expectations weren't high for a positive outcome!

Well at least I couldn't complain about the terrain in this game!

I went for a classical deployment of cavalry left (with the CinC) and right with the infantry in the centre. 

At this stage it wasn't looking too bad for me. 

The yellow object to the right is Adrian's rather natty dice tower. I wonder if I used one it would prevent me rolling 1s?

On the left my knights have charged into contact, what else are feudal knights good for! While on the right they have also come into contact. Meanwhile the Infantry are moving forward. Poor command and control has meant I had to leave some units lagging behind.

Although my right has managed to do well, my left is in all sorts of bother. It is down to 50% strength and 2 of the remaining knights aren't doing too well. Suffice to say the gods of the dice were not smiling on me. All of which led to my demise.


A victory for Adrian 21 to 7

Lessons Learnt

  • Despite the relative scores it wasn't a bad plan, if it wasn't for my poor combat rolls.
  • perhaps the Samurai under ADLG are not the fearsome opponent they were under WRG 6th.

ADLG - Game Report 32

Feudal French (182) vs Prussian and Estonian (219)

On to Warfare at Ascot to see if I could do any better with the Feudal French

Game 1 was against Mike's Prussians and Estonians

My plan, as I was outnumbered, was to try and be hold the central position on the hill while protecting my flanks until I could get the knights into contact to try and decide the outcome.

The trouble when you are outnumbered and the two opposing enemy wings leap forward holding their centre back, is to determine how much and what you are going to commit to the flanks to protect them.

Suffice to say I didn't give enough to the left and misused the knights on the centre left!


I went down 22 to 8

Lessons Learnt

  • This was one of those games where a reserve would have helped
  • Avoid the rush of blood to the head in over committing.

ADLG - Game Report 207

Ptolemaic (43) vs Warring States (80) One of the most important aspects of the day was that Tony was able to join us, and it was a pleasure...